4 Tips for Parenting an Introvert

No one ever said parenting was easy. When it comes to being the parent of an introvert, you are likely facing different challenges than you expected. It requires extreme levels of compassion and understanding to give your child the very best that they need.
Although parenting an introverted child may not seem easy, there are some helpful tips and tricks. Keep reading to learn four helpful skills you can utilize when it comes to parenting your introverted child.
1. Polish up on your listening skills
Your introverted child may not speak openly or freely with you, but this does not mean they do not have important things to say. It is simply their nature to mull things over quite a bit before expressing their thoughts. When they are voicing their needs, however, it is a very big deal! Make sure that you are practicing active listening in these instances so your child is feeling seen and heard.
When your child is expressing their thoughts, be sure to maintain eye contact and do not multitask. Give them your undivided attention to the best of your abilities. Additionally, ask questions about what they say, but try not to interrupt when they speak as it may discourage them.
2. Respect their boundaries
Introverted children may prefer to remove themselves from an overwhelming situation rather than push their own boundaries. In situations like this, be sure to respect their wants and needs.
Introverts recharge their social batteries by spending time alone. This also allows them to process their thoughts and emotions—something that may be difficult when spending time around a lot of people. Try to create a private space for them where they can recharge and relax.
3. Try not to push them too hard
Although you may really want your child to thrive on the playground or make tons of friends at school, that simply may not be their style. As a parent, you should push your child to broaden their horizons but try not to push too hard.
Try to find small-scale events or low key social gatherings with other children their age. Avoid putting them into social settings that will spike their feelings of social anxiety. Forming relationships is necessary to healthy development, but finding a middle ground that satisfies both needs.
4. Discover how your child expresses themselves
A lot of the time, introverted children are incredibly creative. Although they may have a difficult time tapping into this creativity, once they do, your child will have the chance to make their inner world come to life. This gives them the chance to express their feelings and emotions without words.
Take time to explore different creative outlets with your child. Do they enjoy painting and writing or sewing and knitting? Whatever it is, find something they enjoy creating, and allow them to pursue it.
Honorable mention: Celebrate your differences
If you and your partner are not introverts, you may not understand where your child is coming from. This is a great opportunity for you all to learn from one another. Our differences are what make us special, especially when it comes to our families. See what wonderful lessons you can learn from your child when it comes to being an introvert.
If you fear that your child may need additional help that you cannot provide, seek the counsel of a trained mental health professional. As a parent, you should not feel ashamed to ask for help when you (or your child!) need it. Please reach out today to learn more about how you can be the best parent you can possibly be.