Effective Strategies for Fixing a Sexless Marriage

Your relationship with your partner should be something respectful, supportive, trusting, intimate, and, dare we say, sexy? When your marriage becomes sexless and lacking in intimacy, it can be a significant source of stress. Over time, that can build on itself and be detrimental to your long-term happiness.
Thankfully, there are ways to get yourself back on track. Let’s discuss some strategies worth exploring.
Establish Open Communication
Having difficult conversations, especially on the subject of sex, can be uncomfortable. This includes having them with your partner. Unfortunately, avoiding such conversations will only add to the burden you’re experiencing.
The key to any healthy relationship and working through this type of issue is establishing open and honest communication habits. In order to rekindle a burnt-out flame, you need to talk it through.
If you’re unsure where to start or how to broach the topic, a good place to work from is how you’re feeling. How does this lack of intimacy make you feel? What is your goal with intimacy? Ask your partner to share their feelings as well. An important thing to note in this conversation is to remain judgment free.
Explore the Underlying Causes
Reaching the point of having a sexless marriage isn’t something that occurs with the snap of a finger. Typically, there is some underlying cause that shifted this dynamic between you two.
In order to fix the problem, it’s vital to identify the root cause of your lack of intimacy. There may not be one specific cause, but an accumulation of little things here and there. Continue those open and honest discussions. Talk about your frustrations, any changes you’ve experienced, and intimate desires you have.
Possible areas to explore include:
Conflict: If you have an unresolved conflict between you two, it can quietly take a toll. Resentment can build and the end product is distance.
Stress: If you or your partner are under heavy stress, this can cause a decline in sexual desires.
Fatigue: Similarly, fatigue can also diminish desires for intimacy.
Health Conditions: Medical conditions, hormonal issues, and medication side effects can all put a damper on libido and intimacy. Further exploration may be needed with a medical provider.
Find a Means for Reconnecting Emotionally with Your Partner
In order to start building your level of intimacy back up, you’ll want to enhance your emotional connection. Quality time spent with each other, in a non-sexual manner, can go a long way.
If you’re not doing so already, go on dates with your partner. Reminisce about funny or romantic memories you have shared. Engage in an activity that you both love, or share a new interest with your partner. Bring back some of that new dating energy to the relationship.
Offer each other affirmations and don’t be afraid to show affection. Use physical touch, like hand holding or cuddling to start reigniting that spark.
Rediscover Physical Intimacy
Hopefully after having conversations about your desires and rekindling your emotional connection, you should be on the path to start exploring more of the intimate connection. Talk about new experiences you would like to have. Focus on things you both enjoy.
Prioritize the foreplay process to enhance arousal. Explore enhancements or novelty items that could bring out a different side you didn’t know you had. Jazz up your encounters every once in a while to keep things interesting.
Seek Professional Help
Depending on your shared circumstances, you may find yourselves needing some extra guidance from an external resource. Navigating issues within a marriage isn’t always easy, but don’t let that stop you.
If there are physical health issues, try consulting your medical provider. You can try seeking out a sex therapist who specializes in these exact issues and can guide you in your exploration process.
Marriage Counseling in Georgetown, TX
You can also explore marriage or couples therapy as an outlet to tackle any underlying issues. Our counselors at Georgetown Counseling and Wellness are all trained in evidence-based marriage and couples counseling techniques, including skills that can help you
rekindle your sex life. If you’re interested in learning more, contact us today.