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Coping with COVID: Holiday Edition

For many of us, December is a month filled with traditions, friends, family, and indulgence. We’ve crafted celebrations unique to our families for decades and have perfected the meals, the coordinating, and the gift-giving. This year, things feel a whole lot different.

Coronavirus has uprooted so many lives in big ways over the last 9 months- loss of life, jobs, income, and just simply social interactions with those we love. Coping with any of these losses is a challenge in any setting but coping amidst a global pandemic is a totally different ball game.

Are you missing friends and family?

  • Make connections in any way you can. If you are feeling tired of Zoom calls, try planning one with a special theme with costumes or games for a group of friends or family members.

  • Read a book that you know and love, connect with those characters to cultivate a sense of belonging.

  • Write holiday cards to friends and family and ask them to write back if they can.

Are you missing your holiday traditions and rituals?

  • Try replicating one of your favorite traditions in a new way. Try a new cookie recipe, DIY some simple decorations.

  • Pick a new tradition to partake in. You could even incorporate celebrations from different cultures.

  • Find tradition and ritual in your daily life. Set aside time each night to have a special cup of tea, or use the early parts of your day to stretch and meditate.

Are you missing holidays past?

  • Revisit them! Pull out the old photos or ask that some be sent to you.

  • Cultivate a sense of childlike wonder for yourself. Drive and look at lights, buy and wrap a gift for yourself that’s silly and fun.

Are you feeling empty?

  • Try learning a new skill or craft like knitting or cooking a fancy meal.

  • Grab some art supplies and see what happens. All art is good art!

  • Reflect on what feeds your soul

  • Find a new outdoors area to explore

Are you missing the holiday spirit?

  • Cultivate some kindness for yourself, treat yourself to something special

  • Donate time or money to local non-profits or mutual aid groups

  • Donate toys or coats to a drive benefiting local children

If you feel like you are struggling more than you’d like this holiday season, its not too late to reach out and get more help and information about anxiety, depression, couples issues, or even parenting. We’d love to chat with you and see if Georgetown Counseling & Wellness would be a good fit for you. Find out more by clicking on our Services tab.


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